We are BACK with optimal lineups from week 4 simulations!

I haven’t changed the script substantially since last week, and as I went over the code for scraping projections and generating lineups last week, I’ll skip some of that this week so we can focus more on the content. If you want to review it, last week’s post is here.



week <- 4

proj <- readRDS(paste0('week_', week, '_proj.RDS'))

sal <- read_csv('DKSalaries.csv') %>%
  rename(roster_position=`Roster Position`)

sal$Name[sal$Name=='Todd Gurley II'] <- 'Todd Gurley'

I’ll start with the optimized lineups pulled for week 4, with the same details as last time: 10,000 lineups, using the standard deviation of projections, completely individually based (still working on that).

sim_lu <- readRDS(paste0('sim_lineups_week_', week, '.RDS')) %>%
  rename(pts_base=points) %>%
  select(lineup, Name, team, position, pts_base, pts_pred, sd_pts, Salary)

## Observations: 90,000
## Variables: 8
## Groups: Name [102]
## $ lineup   <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,...
## $ Name     <chr> "Panthers", "Julian Edelman", "Chris Thompson", "Jaco...
## $ team     <chr> "CAR", "NEP", "WAS", "IND", "NYG", "CAR", "LAR", "NYG...
## $ position <chr> "DST", "WR", "RB", "QB", "WR", "RB", "WR", "TE", "WR"...
## $ pts_base <dbl> 7.00000, 15.09300, 13.38127, 17.98995, 15.90300, 23.2...
## $ pts_pred <dbl> 7.473107, 18.721817, 13.805701, 20.929870, 16.615504,...
## $ sd_pts   <dbl> 0.4447800, 2.0534010, 1.0393026, 1.0751164, 1.2246276...
## $ Salary   <dbl> 2300, 6500, 4500, 5400, 5800, 8800, 6500, 5700, 4500,...
sim_lu %>%
  filter(lineup<=3) %>%
  arrange(lineup, position, desc(pts_pred)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(pts_base, pts_pred, sd_pts), function(x) round(x, 2)) %>%
  knitr::kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE) %>%
  collapse_rows(columns = 1, valign = 'top') %>%
  scroll_box(height = '500px', width = '100%')
lineup Name team position pts_base pts_pred sd_pts Salary
1 Panthers CAR DST 7.00 7.47 0.44 2300
Jacoby Brissett IND QB 17.99 20.93 1.08 5400
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 23.23 24.03 0.99 8800
Chris Thompson WAS RB 13.38 13.81 1.04 4500
Evan Engram NYG TE 16.21 17.01 2.50 5700
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 18.02 19.33 3.62 6500
Julian Edelman NEP WR 15.09 18.72 2.05 6500
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 15.90 16.62 1.22 5800
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.52 14.60 0.92 4500
2 Panthers CAR DST 7.00 7.54 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 26.08 27.59 1.44 7500
Marlon Mack IND RB 15.78 17.56 1.44 6100
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 14.72 16.27 1.28 5200
Kenyan Drake MIA RB 11.77 14.50 1.99 4200
Travis Kelce KCC TE 18.38 19.99 1.28 7200
DeAndre Hopkins HOU WR 20.09 22.67 1.73 7700
Mecole Hardman KCC WR 11.41 15.43 2.00 5100
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.52 14.72 0.92 4500
3 Seahawks SEA DST 8.32 9.41 0.74 3300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 26.08 26.72 1.44 7500
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 21.19 22.45 0.84 8000
Devonta Freeman ATL RB 13.20 15.84 1.66 5000
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.37 15.34 0.10 5400
Will Dissly SEA TE 9.64 11.05 1.84 3600
Keenan Allen LAC WR 22.62 22.70 2.20 7600
Christian Kirk ARI WR 13.64 15.18 2.43 5100
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.52 13.70 0.92 4500

Who is in Optimal Lineups?

sim_lu %>%
  group_by(Name, position) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(lu=n_distinct(lineup)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(position) %>%
  top_n(10, lu) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(position, desc(lu)) %>%
         Name=fct_reorder(Name, lu)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Name, y=lu)) +
  geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  facet_wrap(~position, ncol = 3, scales='free') +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  ggtitle('Top 10 Players Present by Position')

Some of my observations:
* Patrick Mahomes is HEAVILY represented here, showing up in over 6,000 lineups. No other QB shows up in more than 1,000
* There’s a fair amount of parity at RB, with a linear decline down the top 10 running backs. I guess this week, as in real life, running backs are fairly replacable.
* Keenan Allen and Terry McLaurin (and to a lesser extent, Cooper Kupp) are highly present too, which is interesting because since we can select up to 4 WRs in a lineup, you’d expect there to be a more linear decline.
* TE and D have similar patterns, there’s only 5-6 you should really consider in your lineups.

DraftKings provides scoring for 422 players this week, but only 102 make it into optimized lineups. Why is that? To determine, I’ll plot projected points vs salary, colored by whether or not they make it into optimized lineups, and sized by their projection standard deviation

plyr_lu <- sim_lu %>%
  group_by(Name, position) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(lu=n_distinct(lineup)) %>%

proj %>% 
  filter(avg_type=='robust') %>%
  mutate(Name = ifelse(pos=="DST", last_name, paste(first_name, last_name))) %>%
  inner_join(sal, by=c("Name")) %>%
  select(Name, team, position, points, Salary, sd_pts) %>%
  left_join(plyr_lu, by='Name') %>%
  replace_na(list(lu=0)) %>%
  mutate(lu_bin=ifelse(lu==0, '0 Lineups', '>=1 Lineups'),
         lu_5=cut(lu,5, labels = FALSE)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Salary, y=points, color=lu_bin, size=sd_pts)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c('red', 'blue'), name="") +
  geom_smooth(inherit.aes = FALSE, aes(x=Salary, y=points), method = 'lm', se=FALSE) +
  ylab('Projected Points') +
  xlab('Salary') +
  ggtitle('Who makes it into Optimized Lineups?') +

As expected, we see players with higher points per salary making it into lineups. But some above the fitted line make it and other don’t. As we can see here, it’s due to projection certainty. Players above the fitted line that make it into lineups have higher sd_pts than those who do not, meaning there’s more upside there.

Flex Configurations

In DFS lineups, you have an extra spot to use on an RB, WR, and TE of your chosing

sim_lu %>%
  group_by(lineup) %>%
  mutate(lineup_pts=sum(pts_pred)) %>%
  group_by(lineup, position) %>%
  mutate(n=n()) %>%
  select(lineup, position, n, lineup_pts) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  spread(key=position, value=n) %>%
  filter(RB>=2, TE>=1, WR>=3) %>%
  mutate(flex=case_when(RB==3 ~ 'RB',
                        TE==2 ~ 'TE',
                        WR==4 ~ 'WR')) %>%
  group_by(flex) %>%
                   cases=n()) %>%
  knitr::kable() %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
flex pts cases
RB 156.6090 2404
TE 158.3351 2618
WR 157.8900 4978

Similar to last week, WRs are the flex selection in about half of optimal cases (4,978 this week vs 5,775 last week). Given what we saw with the last graph, this makes sense. There are some clear favorites in the WR spot that you’ll want to get, whereas RBs are fairly replaceable this week. And the situations where you want a TE in FLEX is when one really blows up, hence the higher average score.

Pareto Lineups

lu_df <- sim_lu %>%
  group_by(lineup) %>%
                   lineup_sd=sum(sd_pts)) %>%

pto <- psel(lu_df, low(lineup_sd) * high(lineup_pts))

ggplot(lu_df, aes(y=lineup_pts, x=lineup_sd)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_point(data=pto, size=5) +
  ylab('Lineup Points') +
  xlab('Lineup Points St Dev') +
  ggtitle('Lineup Points vs Uncertainty',
          subtitle = 'Pareto Lineups Bolded')

Here’s a look at the pareto lineups.

psel(lu_df, low(lineup_sd) * high(lineup_pts)) %>%
  left_join(sim_lu, by='lineup') %>%
  group_by(lineup) %>%
  arrange(lineup_pts, position, desc(pts_pred)) %>%
  select(lineup, lineup_pts, lineup_sd, Name, team, position, pts_pred, sd_pts, Salary) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(lineup_pts, lineup_sd, pts_pred, sd_pts), function(x) round(x, 2)) %>%
  knitr::kable() %>%
  kable_styling(fixed_thead = T) %>%
  column_spec(1:3, bold=TRUE) %>%
  collapse_rows(columns = 1:3, valign = 'top') %>%
  scroll_box(height = '500px', width = '100%')
lineup lineup_pts lineup_sd Name team position pts_pred sd_pts Salary
3554 151.27 7.98 Panthers CAR DST 7.07 0.44 2300
Daniel Jones NYG QB 20.79 1.17 5300
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 25.25 0.99 8800
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.53 0.10 5400
Darren Waller OAK TE 14.88 0.90 5200
Brandin Cooks LAR WR 18.58 1.79 6200
Tyler Lockett SEA WR 17.50 0.49 6300
Kenny Golladay DET WR 16.85 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.83 0.92 4500
4685 152.88 8.03 Dolphins MIA DST 5.77 0.12 2000
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 26.18 1.44 7500
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 15.87 1.28 5200
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.32 0.10 5400
Travis Kelce KCC TE 21.48 1.28 7200
Tyler Lockett SEA WR 18.54 0.49 6300
Kenny Golladay DET WR 18.07 1.18 5900
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 17.32 1.22 5800
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.33 0.92 4500
9449 157.31 8.24 Panthers CAR DST 7.19 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 28.55 1.44 7500
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 24.68 0.99 8800
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.19 0.10 5400
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.89 1.04 4500
Darren Waller OAK TE 14.93 0.90 5200
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 18.99 1.22 5800
Kenny Golladay DET WR 17.11 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.78 0.92 4500
5294 159.17 8.98 Panthers CAR DST 7.00 0.44 2300
Daniel Jones NYG QB 21.49 1.17 5300
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 22.63 0.84 8000
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.30 0.10 5400
Darren Waller OAK TE 14.51 0.90 5200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 27.80 2.20 7600
Kenny Golladay DET WR 17.86 1.18 5900
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 17.52 1.22 5800
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.06 0.92 4500
4550 159.94 10.02 Dolphins MIA DST 5.71 0.12 2000
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 28.06 1.44 7500
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.23 0.10 5400
Chris Thompson WAS RB 13.64 1.04 4500
Evan Engram NYG TE 18.60 2.50 5700
Darren Waller OAK TE 16.11 0.90 5200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 25.67 2.20 7600
Tyler Lockett SEA WR 18.48 0.49 6300
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 18.45 1.22 5800
1471 161.67 10.14 Panthers CAR DST 7.25 0.44 2300
Russell Wilson SEA QB 21.31 0.17 6100
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 22.67 0.84 8000
Marlon Mack IND RB 18.78 1.44 6100
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 17.46 1.14 6000
Austin Hooper ATL TE 12.55 0.55 4300
Keenan Allen LAC WR 27.97 2.20 7600
Christian Kirk ARI WR 19.30 2.43 5100
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.38 0.92 4500
3691 161.70 10.17 Panthers CAR DST 7.52 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 26.06 1.44 7500
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 24.24 0.99 8800
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.48 0.10 5400
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.05 1.04 4500
Greg Olsen CAR TE 16.59 1.93 4200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 27.98 2.20 7600
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.51 0.92 4500
Calvin Ridley ATL WR 14.27 1.11 5000
6859 162.60 10.75 Panthers CAR DST 7.42 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 27.96 1.44 7500
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 18.42 1.14 6000
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 17.18 1.28 5200
Chris Thompson WAS RB 13.68 1.04 4500
Austin Hooper ATL TE 12.11 0.55 4300
Keenan Allen LAC WR 26.43 2.20 7600
DeAndre Hopkins HOU WR 23.27 1.73 7700
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 16.12 0.92 4500
707 164.42 11.25 Panthers CAR DST 7.58 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 29.25 1.44 7500
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 17.41 1.14 6000
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.39 0.10 5400
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 14.59 1.28 5200
Evan Engram NYG TE 23.47 2.50 5700
Keenan Allen LAC WR 24.51 2.20 7600
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 17.84 1.22 5800
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.39 0.92 4500
965 165.93 11.31 Seahawks SEA DST 9.74 0.74 3300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 28.71 1.44 7500
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 17.54 1.14 6000
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.37 1.04 4500
Darren Waller OAK TE 16.05 0.90 5200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 27.88 2.20 7600
Christian Kirk ARI WR 18.59 2.43 5100
Tyler Lockett SEA WR 17.88 0.49 6300
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.18 0.92 4500
1588 166.54 12.52 Buccaneers TBB DST 6.30 0.49 2100
Russell Wilson SEA QB 21.75 0.17 6100
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 15.93 1.28 5200
James White NEP RB 14.22 1.38 4900
Travis Kelce KCC TE 20.50 1.28 7200
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 27.40 3.62 6500
Keenan Allen LAC WR 26.18 2.20 7600
Kenny Golladay DET WR 18.31 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.95 0.92 4500
8679 166.63 12.70 Cardinals ARI DST 6.86 0.46 2400
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 25.43 1.44 7500
Marlon Mack IND RB 18.48 1.44 6100
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 18.06 1.14 6000
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 16.47 1.28 5200
Delanie Walker TEN TE 21.21 2.64 4800
Keenan Allen LAC WR 28.67 2.20 7600
Kenny Golladay DET WR 16.72 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.71 0.92 4500
8004 166.94 12.94 Panthers CAR DST 7.52 0.44 2300
Daniel Jones NYG QB 21.26 1.17 5300
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 18.83 1.14 6000
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 16.23 1.28 5200
Travis Kelce KCC TE 20.93 1.28 7200
Darren Waller OAK TE 15.30 0.90 5200
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 28.81 3.62 6500
Keenan Allen LAC WR 22.79 2.20 7600
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.28 0.92 4500
7319 167.30 13.29 Colts IND DST 7.99 0.89 3100
Deshaun Watson HOU QB 22.05 0.71 6400
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 21.28 0.84 8000
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.20 1.04 4500
Will Dissly SEA TE 14.74 1.84 3600
Keenan Allen LAC WR 29.72 2.20 7600
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 23.45 3.62 6500
Sterling Shepard NYG WR 19.53 1.22 5800
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.35 0.92 4500
3961 168.77 13.45 Panthers CAR DST 7.07 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 29.87 1.44 7500
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.37 0.10 5400
Chris Thompson WAS RB 13.67 1.04 4500
Evan Engram NYG TE 18.10 2.50 5700
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 28.80 3.62 6500
Keenan Allen LAC WR 22.91 2.20 7600
Kenny Golladay DET WR 18.72 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 14.26 0.92 4500
5829 168.82 13.81 Panthers CAR DST 6.80 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 27.41 1.44 7500
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 23.07 0.84 8000
James White NEP RB 14.47 1.38 4900
Chris Thompson WAS RB 13.61 1.04 4500
Greg Olsen CAR TE 16.02 1.93 4200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 28.19 2.20 7600
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 22.78 3.62 6500
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 16.48 0.92 4500
5723 169.07 13.94 Buccaneers TBB DST 6.92 0.49 2100
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 25.19 1.44 7500
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 23.63 0.99 8800
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.15 1.04 4500
Evan Engram NYG TE 20.53 2.50 5700
Greg Olsen CAR TE 16.39 1.93 4200
Keenan Allen LAC WR 26.27 2.20 7600
Christian Kirk ARI WR 19.56 2.43 5100
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 16.43 0.92 4500
3067 169.44 14.23 Panthers CAR DST 7.10 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 25.99 1.44 7500
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 23.35 0.99 8800
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 18.11 1.28 5200
Greg Olsen CAR TE 13.78 1.93 4200
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 28.41 3.62 6500
Christian Kirk ARI WR 18.81 2.43 5100
Kenny Golladay DET WR 18.27 1.18 5900
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.61 0.92 4500
7807 171.38 14.70 Cardinals ARI DST 6.86 0.46 2400
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 29.70 1.44 7500
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 22.46 0.84 8000
Kerryon Johnson DET RB 15.28 0.10 5400
Evan Engram NYG TE 22.42 2.50 5700
Mark Andrews BAL TE 19.40 3.51 5000
Keenan Allen LAC WR 26.79 2.20 7600
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.42 0.92 4500
Danny Amendola DET WR 13.03 2.73 3900
4114 172.36 15.23 Panthers CAR DST 7.18 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 26.41 1.44 7500
Phillip Lindsay DEN RB 15.85 1.28 5200
Chris Thompson WAS RB 14.10 1.04 4500
Evan Engram NYG TE 22.67 2.50 5700
Keenan Allen LAC WR 28.65 2.20 7600
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 22.50 3.62 6500
Brandin Cooks LAR WR 18.84 1.79 6200
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 16.17 0.92 4500
7343 173.85 15.80 Panthers CAR DST 6.59 0.44 2300
Patrick Mahomes KCC QB 29.57 1.44 7500
Austin Ekeler LAC RB 21.32 0.84 8000
Kenyan Drake MIA RB 15.87 1.99 4200
Evan Engram NYG TE 19.47 2.50 5700
Will Dissly SEA TE 14.34 1.84 3600
Keenan Allen LAC WR 25.98 2.20 7600
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 24.72 3.62 6500
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.99 0.92 4500
2222 176.35 16.50 Panthers CAR DST 7.16 0.44 2300
Matthew Stafford DET QB 21.47 1.84 5500
Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 25.58 0.99 8800
Leonard Fournette JAC RB 18.85 1.14 6000
Mark Andrews BAL TE 21.14 3.51 5000
Will Dissly SEA TE 13.06 1.84 3600
Cooper Kupp LAR WR 28.72 3.62 6500
Keenan Allen LAC WR 24.49 2.20 7600
Terry McLaurin WAS WR 15.88 0.92 4500

Full optimized lineups are located here