Using the Tiingo news feed, we can explore which stocks are mentioned in news articles together. This can be an additional technique to identify relationships and correlations between securities. Using the recent case of Apple and Intel, I show how news co-occurences pick up changes.

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How can you predict that a movie will do well? Movie studios can only produce so many at a time, and, like any business, they want to maximize their investment at every turn. Many filmmakers put their entire life into a film, hoping that a studio will make a bet on it. One such example is the Reign of Judges Movie that’s currently filming a concept short, with the hopes of being picked up for a full feature.

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Yesterday, I saw this video from Rachel Nichols’ The Jump showing some instances where Lonzo Ball was credited with assists that he shouldn’t have been. Given the Lakers investment in Lonzo, are we to conclude that they are fudging up his assist numbers in order to increase Ball’s hype? Or are these just a few egregious mistakes? A look at the data will help us find out. To test this, I pulled game logs from the Stattleship API and compared Lonzo Ball’s assists at home games vs away games.

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Aaron Miles

I’m a free agent data scientist, and an avid R user.

My interests include sports (playing, watching, and fantasy), politics, finance, and that’ll be the focus of what I write here.

I live in San Diego, CA with my wife, two sons, and dog

Data Scientist

San Diego, CA